Josephine Skylar

passionate contemporary romance writer

A set of interconnected swooping lines, meant to separate the header from the rest of the website.

All My Books On Sale in November!

A picture of a red and white button that says, "W.I.N. Together we can whip inflation now."

Anyone else feeling like November has gotten a little… gimmicky? We’re all supposed to write novels while gallantly growing mustaches. And don’t forget to vote (if you’re in the United States). Or go shopping, unless you’re buying nothing, or only from small businesses. Et cetera. It’s like all the folks in charge of advertising budgets feel a little jumpy, not sure how to bridge the gap between Halloween and Christmas. Especially this year, when a lot of people (in the United States and elsewhere) either don’t feel like spending much, or resent how much they’re being asked to spend.

Well, say I, if you can’t beat ’em, remind ’em that you, too, are a small business (dependent on another small business: let me assure you, my publisher is tiny enough to be cute) and also in line to take their money. But the least I can do, in this day and age, is ask for less money. Therefore: I’ve put all three of my novels–Sparks Fly, Learning to Love You, and the newest one, The Fried Lover Attack–on sale for only $2.99. All month! If you like feeling like you’ve gotten a bargain with your new book, now’s the time!

But this sale will end with November. (Stay tuned: the plan is to have my fourth novel ready for you by mid-December.) So go ahead and stock up now. After all, nothing lasts forever, not even sales. Or inflation. (No, really. We made it through the Seventies, we’ll make it through this.) Or… well, you know.