sexy nerdy love stories

About / FAQ

Who are you and what do you write?

You can call me Josie! I write open-door, contemporary romance novels, set in the United States (where I live), about hard-working women who have learned to make do without love… until the right (often nerdy, and sometimes grumpy) guy comes along.

What tropes do your books have?

It varies, but there’s a lot of opposites attracting, enemies (or at least sparring partners) to lovers, tension between career paths and love, flings that turn out to be quite real, and my personal favorite, arrogant smart dudes humbled by love.

Where can I get your books?

The Books page has links to storefronts. My books aren’t in Kindle Unlimited, which means they’re available in a variety of bookstores (online only, for now). Also, you can get the novella The Hacker’s Heart for free if you join my mailing list!

How spicy are your books?

This is a harder question to answer than you’d think (I actually wrote an entire blog post about communicating spice levels). Suffice to say, while scenes are usually detailed—if you search the text for obscenities, you will find them—they’re not frequent, since I often write slow-burn and it thus takes a while for the characters to get to the bedroom. Right now Learning to Love You is probably my spiciest book and The Fried Lover Attack the least spicy (albeit still open-door).

I’m trying to avoid books with certain events or plot points in them. Do you have content warnings at the front of your books?

Rarely, unless I know I’m presenting something beyond the bounds of what’s currently expected in contemporary romance (in The Hand You’re Dealt, for example). But go to the Content Warnings page for a list of my best guess as to what readers might want to avoid in each book.

Should I read your books in a certain order?

The Hacker’s Temptation is a direct sequel to The Hacker’s Heart and will make no sense at all unless you’ve read the previous book. Otherwise, wander at will. I am in the midst of planning a series, but it’ll be possible to jump in at any point without having read previous books in the series.

How did you become a romance writer? What are your favorite books?

I’ll tell you more about this if you join my mailing list  😁, but suffice to say I write the books I want to read. Some contemporary romances I’ve read and enjoyed recently are: Lucy Parker’s Battle Royale; Talia Hibbert’s Act Your Age, Eve Brown; Etta Easton’s The Kiss Countdown; and Laura Hankin’s One-Star Romance.

What’s the most romantic song you’ve ever heard?

This is the song my husband and I danced to at our wedding.

Okay, what about the sexiest song?

Ooh, tougher question. I’m old enough to remember being impressed by this when it came out.

I have more questions!

Feel free to email me!